The Power of Conscious Intention

Let Your Yoga Practice Help You Create the Life You Always Wanted

"Every day we make thousands of decisions. Many, even most, of them are simple and unconscious repetitions of earlier decisions. We only very rarely decide out of a real, conscious, authentic desire. As well, the achievement of objectives that we consciously hold in our lives is often hindered by these same subconscious imprints and subconsciously triggered repetitions of past decisions. A sankalpa is like a seed that anchors our conscious intentions also on this level - and thus, beats blocking subconscious patterns "with their own weapons"."


From "Sankalpa"

"This exercise book gives you the tools to recognize your authentic needs in the first place, and then to state your intentions correctly. You can use those tools not only to create one “great” sankalpa—the heart’s desire—but also more generally as an aid to the manifestation of almost all the desires and objectives that you pursue in your life."

From "Sankalpa"